CCL | Case Studies

Resene adds splash of cloud to evolving IT landscape

Written by Admin | Jan 25, 2021 11:00:00 AM

CCL’s Cloud Kickstarter programme and Architecture Review provide canvas for iconic paint company’s emerging picture in Microsoft Azure.

Cloud is the popular answer to most questions put to IT. But anyone who’s managed IT for a few decades or more will tell you that blanket adoption is a dangerous game inviting bill shocks, security holes, and questionable value.

Resene CIO Tim Simpson maintains a cautious position on the cloud. Rather than being “sucked into the vortex of hype and end up struggling to align invoices with commercial value,” as he says, Simpson has fixed his gaze on commercial value as he steers Resene through a staged migration to Microsoft Azure. CCL’s Cloud Kickstarter programme and Architecture Review ensure he sees through the hype to the places where cloud makes best sense and delivers most value.