Our goal is to help our clients achieve the outcomes they want. Find out more about the results we’ve delivered for a range of New Zealand organisations.
How Endpoint Protection Transformed Fulton Hogan’s Cybersecurity

How Endpoint Protection Transformed Fulton Hogan’s Cybersecurity

Delivering high-quality infrastructure relies on smart people, robust systems, and a smooth-running digital engine room. With an...

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QLDC deploys Azure landing zone framework

QLDC deploys Azure landing zone framework

Public cloud platforms and services have huge potential for organisations embracing work-from-anywhere practices. But as much as...

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KMD Brands summits AWS Cloud

KMD Brands summits AWS Cloud

In the battle for market share, hyperscale cloud providers are using assistance programmes to entice new customers. The AWS...

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ANZCO Foods applies computer vision to lighten the load

ANZCO Foods applies computer vision to lighten the load

Exporting is a high-stakes business. More than simply getting products to international markets on time, Kiwi exporters face...

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AsureQuality deploys DevOps in AWS

AsureQuality deploys DevOps in AWS

CCL plays a leading role in maturing AsureQuality’s DevOps culture to drive faster and more reliable development cycles....

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Resene adds splash of cloud to evolving IT landscape

Resene adds splash of cloud to evolving IT landscape

CCL’s Cloud Kickstarter programme and Architecture Review provide canvas for iconic paint company’s emerging picture in Microsoft...

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AsureQuality sets foundations for future in AWS

AsureQuality sets foundations for future in AWS

Looking for a safe pair of hands to guide its technology transformation, AsureQuality engaged Leaven (now CCL) to analyse costs...

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Dunedin City Council is leveraging Azure cloud solutions to streamline digital transformation

Dunedin City Council is leveraging Azure cloud solutions to streamline digital transformation

Dunedin City Council’s transition to public cloud on Azure, expertly implemented by CCL and Leaven, is already paying dividends...

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Southern DHB sets cloud migration strategy for future healthcare

Southern DHB sets cloud migration strategy for future healthcare

Developing the blueprint for the future of healthcare in New Zealand, Southern DHB lays out their cloud migration journey....

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Metro Performance Glass undergoes agile development transformation

Metro Performance Glass undergoes agile development transformation

Glass provider shatters trope that companies must stick to core business. Smart thinking and cloud savvy unlock new revenue...

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MTF Finance gets Cloud Readiness Assessment

MTF Finance gets Cloud Readiness Assessment

Mature businesses continuing to run legacy IT systems see their future in the cloud. But when hundreds of applications are in...

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Whakarongorau Aotearoa: Scaling up during a pandemic with Azure Virtual Desktop

Whakarongorau Aotearoa: Scaling up during a pandemic with Azure Virtual Desktop

As businesses shuttered and others reinvented, those operating at the centre of critical services supporting New Zealand’s...

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Fidelity Life boosts security with agile DevSecOps approach

Fidelity Life boosts security with agile DevSecOps approach

Agile software development demands agile security, and yet for many businesses driving a software-led transformation in the...

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How Partners Life transformed its cloud adoption and governance with the Minimum Viable Cloud framework

How Partners Life transformed its cloud adoption and governance with the Minimum Viable Cloud framework

Giants of the cloud have consumerised once complex business IT. But it’s one thing to spin up a virtual server and another to...

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How Medi-Map plotted global growth in Microsoft Azure

How Medi-Map plotted global growth in Microsoft Azure

App and software-centric businesses dominate the new world order, leveraging cloud platforms and unbridled connectivity to reach...

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Jet IT’s journey to AWS for scalability & security

Jet IT’s journey to AWS for scalability & security

In-country clouds continue to do great work, but global providers, like AWS, offer hard-to-beat prices and scalability that...

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How Genesis Energy transformed their IT infrastructure with the cloud

How Genesis Energy transformed their IT infrastructure with the cloud

Good companies strive to do things better, but truly innovative companies ask why they do certain things and find answers to...

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Auckland Council’s hybrid cloud strategy for improved efficiency

Auckland Council’s hybrid cloud strategy for improved efficiency

Public cloud delivers ever more of the world’s digital horsepower, but it doesn’t provide all the answers. In fact, private...

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Ascender finds control and scalability in hybrid cloud with CCL’s CloudCreator

Ascender finds control and scalability in hybrid cloud with CCL’s CloudCreator

Thanks to the cloud, software companies, like Ascender, can package their applications as services and make them available to...

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Oceania Healthcare’s staged public cloud transformation with Azure Virtual Desktop

Oceania Healthcare’s staged public cloud transformation with Azure Virtual Desktop

The race to public cloud infrastructure and services is all very well, but speed isn’t everything. Because the faster businesses...

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How Nikko Asset Management NZ drove seamless customer experiences with cloud

How Nikko Asset Management NZ drove seamless customer experiences with cloud

Who really knows how the market will respond to new products and services. Will sales trickle or gush? It’s the kind of...

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