We’re here to help

With 10 locations across New Zealand, we can provide you with local knowledge and expertise, while accessing capabilities from across the wider business.
  • P: 09 379 2941
  • A: Level 3, 25 College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1011
  • A: 20 William Pickering Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632
  • M: PO Box 6327, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
  • P:09 379 2941
  • A: Level 3, Exchange Building (Spark), 7 Caro Street, Hamilton 3204
  • P: 04 260 0600
  • A: Level 2, 15 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011
  • M: PO Box 25616, Featherston Street, Wellington 6146
  • P: 03 547 2293
  • A: 7 Forests Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011
  • M: PO Box 2218, Stoke, Nelson 7041
  • P: 03 579 2315
  • A: Ground Floor, 1 Market Street, Blenheim 7201
  • P: 03 348 2500
  • A: 21 Durham Street South, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023
  • A: Level 1, 2 Cathedral Square (Spark Sq.), Christchurch 8011
  • M: PO Box 8744 Riccarton, Christchurch 8440
  • P: 03 260 5950
  • A: CCL, c/- RDA Consulting, 15 Gray Street, Level 1, Frankton, Queenstown 9300
  • P: 03 470 1112
  • A:  Ground Floor, Bracken Court, 480Moray Place, Dunedin Central 9016
  • P: 03 353 3978
  • A: Spark Invercargill Exchange
    10 The Crescent, Invercargill 9810

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