CCL | Case Studies

How Endpoint Protection Transformed Fulton Hogan’s Cybersecurity

Written by Admin | May 27, 2024 9:32:47 PM

Delivering high-quality infrastructure relies on smart people, robust systems, and a smooth-running digital engine room. With an eye to improved digital safeguards, Fulton Hogan adopted CCL’s Endpoint Protection Pro service to sharpen the edge on its cybersecurity.

Fulton Hogan is a huge business with a big reputation. Its team of 11,000 employees and contractors operate in 400 locations, delivering critical national infrastructure across Australia and New Zealand.

Robust cybersecurity is crucial to the organisation’s business continuity and stakeholder goodwill. The firm’s recent moves into high-profile joint venture projects further raised the bar for cybersecurity and 24/7 threat detection and response capabilities.